


ア I know it. + What is this? (直接疑問文)

イ I know what this is.(間接疑問文)

⑴ アの2つの文を1文にすると,イの文になる。アでは,it = What is this? の関係にあり,イでは,what this is の部分がknowの目的語になっている。

⑵ 間接疑問文では,疑問詞以下の部分が普通の語順になる。

⑶ イの日本語訳は,「私はこれが何か(を)知っている。」となる。

☆ この構文では以下の書き換えができる。日本語に直せ。

①  I know what I should do.

=I know what to do.

  • She knows how she should make a cake.

=She knows how to make a cake.

  • He doesn’t know what time he should start.

=He doesn’t know what time to start.


① I know it.  Where do you live?

② I know it. Where did she live?

③ I don’t know it.  When did she leave Japan?

④ Do you know it?  When will he go to Europe?

⑤ Do you know it?  What are they doing?

⑥ She knows it.  What language can her mother speak?

⑦ She knows it.  Which dress does her mother want to buy?

⑧ He doesn’t know it.  How many books did she read?

⑨ Do you know it?  Who broke the window?

⑩ Do you know it?  What should you do?

【問2】次の各組の英文がほぼ同じ意味を表すように,(  )内に適語を入れよ。

① I know what I should do.

=I know (  ) to (  ).

② I don’t know when to start.

=I don’t know (  ) I (  ) start.

③ Do you know what time to begin to study?

=Do you know (  ) (  ) you (  ) begin to study?
