❶ 付加疑問文 →「~です(よ)ね・~ではありません(よ)ね」と,相手の確認・同意を求める表現
⑴ 《 [ ],+isn’t (don’t)+代名詞? 》
① This is a pen, isn’t it?
② You are very busy, aren’t you?
③ Mary danced well, didn’t she?
⑵ 《 [ ],+is (do)+代名詞? 》
① That building isn’t a church, is it?
② You weren’t studying then, were you?
③ She won’t go shopping today, will she?
❷ 否定疑問文 →「~ではないのですか・~しないのですか」と,たずねる表現
⑴ isn’t,don’t,can’tなどの縮約形を主語の前に置く。
⑵ 答えが肯定ならYes,否定ならNoを用いる。日本語の「はい」 「いいえ」と反対になるので注意する。
☆ 次の英文を日本語に直せ。
① Aren’t you a scientist?─ Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
② Didn’t you like cats?─ Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
③ Can’t he drive a car?─ Yes, he can. / No, he can’t.
❸ いろいろな疑問文とその答え方
① What are those? | ② Who is that girl? | ||
③ Whose is this dictionary? | ④ When do you swim in the sea? | ||
⑤ Where are you going now? | ⑥ How do you go to church every Sunday? | ||
⑦ How old is your house? | ⑧ How many rabbits does your sister have? | ||
⑨ What is your father? | ⑩ What is your father’s job? | ||
⑪ Can he call on his teacher? | ⑫ Who broke that window? | ||
⑬ Who was singing on the stage then? | ⑭ “He likes dogs.” “Me, too. And you?” | ||
⑮ “How are you?” “I’m fine, thank you. And you?” | |||
⑯ Does your father go to the office on foot or by car? | |||
ア Tom did. | イ She has two. | ウ I’m fine, too. | |
エ In summer. | オ To the station. | カ I walk there. | |
キ It’s a pilot. | ク He goes there on foot. | ケ Tom was. | |
コ Yes, he can. | サ He’s a pilot. | シ I don’t like it. | |
ス They are birds. | セ It’s ten years old. | ソ It’s mine. | |
タ She is my cousin. | |||
① Will you drink some more tea? | ② What shall I do for you? | ||
③ How about going to the movie? | ④ Must I go home at once? | ||
⑤ Why didn’t you come yesterday? | ⑥ May I stay here? | ||
⑦ Is Tom going to call on her tomorrow? | ⑧ Who is the tallest, Tom, Bob or you? | ||
⑨ Which does he like better, dogs or cats? | ⑩ Were there trees by your mansion? | ||
⑪ Animals cannot speak, can they? | ⑫ What time did you leave home ? | ||
⑬ Which is your bike, this or that? | ⑭ How many students are studying ? | ||
⑮ How long will you stay in this town?” | ⑯ Where shall we meet at three ? | ||
ア Tom is. | イ No, you mustn’t. | ウ Because I was sick. | |
エ No, they can’t. | オ In front of the library. | カ Nine are. | |
キ No, thanks. | ク This one is. | ケ At three. | |
コ Yes, let’s. | サ He likes dogs better. | シ Will you shut the door? | |
ス Yes, there were. | セ For two weeks. | ソ No, you don’t have to. | |
タ Yes, he is. | |||
【問3】次の疑問文に,( )内の語句を使って完全な文の形で答えよ。
① What was Tom studying when I came home? ( history )
② What was Tom doing when I came home? ( study history )
③ What country will you visit next year? ( Australia )
④ Who were you waiting for here? ( Mary )
⑤ Which can run faster, this car or that one? ( this car )
⑥ How far is it from Tokyo to Hakata? ( about 1,000 kilometers )
① There is a dictionary on the desk.
② I’m very fine, thank you.
③ I went to the airport by train.
④ It was half past seven at that time.
⑤ My grandfather is ninety-nine.
⑥ Tom was running along the river.
⑦ Mary has three friends in Saitama.
⑧ It takes an hour to go there by train.