《 [ ]+is (are)+不特定の主語+場所を表す副詞句 》 の文の形で,
『~がある・ない』 の意味を表す。
⑵ この文型の場合,[ ]には意味はない。
☆ 次の英文を口頭で日本文に直せ。(下線部が主語である)
① There is a pen on the desk.
② There is a map on the wall.
③ There is a tall tree by the building.
④ There are four seasons in a year.
⑤ There are some American students in this room.
☆ 肯定文・否定文・疑問文の形を暗記せよ。
肯定文 There is a book on the table.
否定文 There is not a book on the table.
疑問文 Is there a book on the table?
答 え Yes, there is (a book on it).
答 え No, there isn’t(a book on it).
【問2】次の英文について,( )内の語を主語にしてhaveを用いた文に書き換えよ。
① There is a camera in his bag. (He)
② There isn’t a passport in my pocket. (I)
③ There are two parks in this town. (This town)
④ There are seven days in a week. (A week)
⑤ How many months are there in a year? (A year)
⑴ 『~がある・ない』の意味を表す英文は,主語が特定のものの場合,
《 [ ]+[ ]+場所を表す語句 》 の語順になる。
⑵ 主語が不特定のものの場合と区別する。
☆ 次の英文を口頭で日本文に直せ。(下線部が主語である)
① My brother is at home.
② The cap is on the wall.
③ The building is near the hospital.
④ Mother and Mary are in the kitchen.
⑤ Those students are in this classroom
⑥ “Where is your cat?” “It’s under the chair.”
① There are books.
② There is Tom in his room.
③ Is there a bank there?
④ Eight girls are on the stage.
⑤ My bicycle is under the tree.
⑥ Where is there your uncle?
⑦ Are there some balls in this box?
⑧ Are there many shops near the station?
⑨ My doll was in that bag.
⑩ How many dictionaries are on the desk?
What ~?の文とその答え方
疑問文 Is there a radio on the table?
疑問文 What
疑問文 What is (there) on the table? ★thereは省略する。
答 え There is a radio (on it).
My radio is (on it).
☆ 次の英文を日本文に直せ。
① What’s on the desk? ★What’sはWhat isの短縮形。
There is a pen on it.
② What’s in this box?
Mary’s doll is in it.
③ What are under the chair?
There are two cats under it.
④ What are on the wall?
My sister’s pictures are on it.
【問1】次の英文を,( )内の指示に従って書き換えよ。
① There are players on the stage. (疑問文に)
② There is a big shop in this town. (否定文に)
③ Are there many students near here? (Yesで答える文に)
④ There are books in her bag. (haveを用いた文に)
⑤ There are two boys in this room. (下線部を問う文に)
⑥ There is a pot on the table. (下線部を問う文に)
Our city is very beautiful. We have two parks in our city. ①There is a park near my house. ②I often walk in the park with my family. There are a lot of flowers and trees in the park. The flowers are very pretty. There are many birds *among the trees. ③They are busy in the trees.
(注)among ~=「の間に」
⑴ 下線部①の文について,a parkをたずねる文を作れ。
⑵ 下線部②の文を日本語に直せ。
⑶ 下線部③の指し示すものを英語で答えよ。
⑷ 本文の内容について,次の問いに英語で答えよ。
- How many parks are there in this city?
- Are there many trees in the park?
⒊ What are among the trees?
I am Kenji Yamada. Tom is my good friend. We live ( ① ) the *same town. His house is in front ( ② ) our school. But my house is near the park. We play baseball there after school. I sometimes visit Tom. His room is very nice. He has a computer. It is on the desk. He has two guitars. ( ③ ) are by the window.
(注)same =「同じ 」
⑴ 文中の( ① )~( ③ )に入る適語を1語ずつ答えよ。
⑵ 下線部thereは何を指しているか。英語で答えよ。
⑶ 本文の内容について,次の問いに英語で答えよ。
⒈ Where is Tom’s computer?
⒉ How many guitars does Tom have?